I specialize in developing content that takes complex ideas and concepts and makes it easy for audiences to understand and engage with.
Below is collection of blogs and other website content. Whether stem cell research, cloud-based software or energy, I find ways to tell stories that put products and brands into a wider context to underscore their true value.
Blogs & Web Content
New multi-faculty Centre for Cell Therapy Translation gives UCalgary skin in the game for regenerative medicine research
When most people think of cell regeneration and the medical treatments this technology enables, their minds usually go directly to skin cell regeneration for burns and other severe injuries. But regenerative medicine goes far beyond skin grafts.
White Paper: Knowledge Management and Records Management Converge in 0ffice 365
Knowledge managers and records managers are at a crossroads.
It is anticipated that by 2025 there will be an estimated 175 zettabytes of data worldwide – four times what existed in 2018. Organization leaders accountable for knowledge and records management are striving to find better ways to manage the ever-expanding data volume while facing intensifying modern pressures.
COSIA in Space
Imperial is leading a joint industry project with Canadian Natural and Suncor to work with GHGS at (a global emissions monitoring company based in Quebec) to investigate the use of satellite technology to provide more accurate and frequent measurements of fugitive greenhouse gas emissions from tailings ponds and mine faces.